For many years now riders - and carriage drivers - have enjoyed the wide open spaces at Warren Barn Farm, Woldingham, Surrey. We offer acres of undulating chalk downland with tracks where you can ride and carriage drive safely and away from traffic. Ideal for a days pleasure driving with a picnic or equally suited to the competitive rider/driver wanting to get their equine fit, practice cross country jumping, obstacle driving or polish up that dressage test, either on grass or in our 60 metre x 30 metre sand school. There is a water complex, easy parking, kitchen/lecture room, toilets and shower facilities.
Warren Barn Farm has also been used for many film and photo shoots over the years. The dramatic scenery so close to London attracting film crews. This beautiful landscape is kept looking this wonderful by careful farming management and so all enquiries and the continuing availability for any visitors has to work with the agricultural requirements of this working farm.
For any enquiries please call for further details. We are open daily all year round by prior arrangement only please phone either
(01883) 650244
(07976) 579991
or send an e-mail to
for further information.